Biology All books

Anne Nédélec
The Earth and Life: A 4 billion Year History
The evolution of the Earth and life over 4 billion years.

Marc Daëron
Life With Others A Look at Immunity
A critical look at what we think we know about the immune system

Pascale Cossart, Fabrice Hyber
The Great Voyage among Microbes
A wonderful introduction to microbiology by an eminent scientist. A richly illustrated work by Fabrice Hybert, very instructive.

Georges Chapouthier
Saving Humans through Animals
An original thesis that connects in a paradoxical, but reasoned way, the development of morality in humans to their animal nature.

Académie d'agriculture de France
The Big Book of Trees and Forests Draw a forest for me
In the same vein as the Grand livre de notre alimentation [The Big Book of Food], this book responds to all our questions on forests.

Michel Delseny
The Biology of Plants The genome of thale cress
A detailed account of a fascinating scientific adventure. Important food for thought: the genome of a plant is as complex as our own.

Francis Waldvogel
A Tableau of Life Exchanges, Emergences, Complexity
A strong thesis that is applied to the entire visible and invisible world: the exchange that is the essence of the living being.

Alain Berthoz
Creative Inhibition To act is also to inhibit
A neglected concept, inhibition holds the key to our individual and social behaviors. A broad bio-sociological panorama for observing human behavior with fresh eyes.