Neuroscience All books
Alain Berthoz
Creative Inhibition To act is also to inhibit
A neglected concept, inhibition holds the key to our individual and social behaviors. A broad bio-sociological panorama for observing human behavior with fresh eyes.
Alain Berthoz
The Vicariance The Brain as Creator of Universes
A new concept, invented by Alain Berthoz, to explain the mechanisms governing human creativity
Alain Berthoz, Fabienne Verdier
Thought in Action A Painting Session Between Art and Science
An original discussion around the artistic process, combining philosophy and history of art, brain physiology and mathematics.
Alain Berthoz
The Decision
In this work, Alain Berthoz examines the psychology of decision-making, based on his conception of the human brain not as a calculator or compiler but as a simulator of action. Instead of considering the process of decision-making as a rational one, based on logical tools, he regards it as the fundamental property of the nervous system, its goal being to prepare, command and control actions and shows that to decide is to predict. Alain Berthoz teaches physiology of action and perception at the Collège de France.
Alain Berthoz, Claude Debru
Anticipating and Predicting A Colloquium — From Thought to Mental Journey
What are the psychological and neurobiological mechanisms that enable humans to anticipate events and actions?