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Pierre Bordage, Jean-Paul Demoule, Roland Lehoucq , Jean-Sébastien Steyer
Exquisite Planet
Adapting the form of an ‘Exquisite Corpse’ (a Surrealist technique in which collaborators draw in turn on a sheet of paper, fold it so that only a fragment remains visible, then pass it on to the next collaborator who improvises a new drawing), the four authors of this book have each described a possible planet and imagined the life forms that could have developed there, according to the laws of evolution.
Catherine Bonnet
A Gesture of Love Giving birth anonymously
Why do some women give birth anonymously so that their child is instantly adopted? A pedopsychoanalyst, Catherine Bonnet recounts the heart-breaking testimonies of these suffering women whose single gesture of love is to protect their child from the violence within themselves. A fresh look at the foundations of maternity and of filiation. Catherine Bonnet is a pedopsychoanalyst.