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David Lepoutre
At the Heart of the Suburbs Codes, Rites and Languages
In the last 15 years, the social disease of suburban youth has been on the front pages of newspapers, feeding fear and encouraging a certain social and political discourse centered around the notions of crisis, disorder and desocialization. Coming from a direct experience, this book opposes the "problematic of the social vacuum" with a resolutely ethnological approach to relations between the adolescents of large urban settings. David Lepoutre is a professor of History and Geography in the second degree and gives courses in Ethnology at the Universities of Paris XIII and Lille II.
Maurice Jacob
At the Heart of the Matter
The study of elementary particle physics and high energies, undertaken in huge laboratories such as the accelerators of Stanford, Chicago, Brookhaven, CERN at Geneva, and Dubna et Serpukhov near Moscow, is one of the most astonishing scientific feats of the last half century. The field not only allows us to understand the composition of matter and the origin and evolution of the universe, but also helps prevent these scientific instruments being used as weapons of war. The Pugwash conferences, held between scientists of the East and West, won a Nobel Prize for this very reason. Maurice Jacob, the honorary director of the division of theoretical physics at CERN, recounts in this book how these objectives have been achieved. Maurice Jacob is a theoretical physician of elementary particles.
Jean-Pierre Pourtois, Huguette Desmet
At the Heart of Resilience
A reference text for mental health and education professionals, and theoretical and practical resources to help people as they recover.
Albert Goldbeter
At the Heart of Life Rhythms Oscillating Life
A thorough review of all the mechanisms that regulate the principal life rhythms. In a jargon-free style this book examines the origin of various types of oscillation and shows what unites them, beyond their specific mechanisms.
Julien Cohen-Solal, Bernard Golse
At the Beginning of Psychological Life The development of the small child
This collection of articles, written by some of the world's greatest specialists in child and infant care, deal with the child's development, inherent potential, and interaction with their environment and family from 0-3 years old; early childhood bonding, the role played by outside stimuli, the workings of the unconscious, the impact of affectivity on intelligence, the appearance of thought, the development of speech, the growth of the consciousness of self, sexuality, and the child's relations with its mother, father, and siblings.. This book will be a useful tool both for parents who wish to understand their child's development and for childcare professionals who wish to keep up with recent research. Julien Cohen-Solal is the co-author, with René Frydman, of My Pregnancy, My Child. Bernard Golse heads the child-psychiatry service at the Hôpital Saint Vincent de Paul, in Paris, and teaches psychiatry at the University of Paris-V.
Boris Cyrulnik
At Night, I Would Write Suns
Alongside Genet, Tolstoy, Gary, and many others, a perceptive and sensitive exploration of resilience through a few great works in our literary canon: how writing can sometimes save a life, how words enable one to escape, to flee reality, or to create oneself, to create a world, one’s own, or to fill a void, or to tell one’s story. . .
Marcel Otte
At Humanity’s Spiritual Dawn A New Approach to Prehistory
How did our ancestors think? What did they feel? How did they live?