Art and Literature All books
Virginie Pape
Life’s Music
The beneficial effects, in both paediatrics and gerontology, of the distant music that composes our lives
Élisa Brune
A Heavy Heart Reflections on Cioran
This moving text on existential suffering is an invitation to read or reread Cioran
Christophe Paradas
The Mysteries of creativity Psychoanalysis and aesthetic
A reflection on the mystery of creativity and on why art can be so disturbing
Daniel Sibony
Marrakech, Departure Point
During a weekend trip to Marrakech — his hometown — a novelist has a love affair that becomes intertwined with reminiscences of his childhood.
Anka Muhlstein
Proust’s Library
This fascinating portrait of Proust as a reader offers an illuminating view of his work
Paul Andreu
Memoires of an Architect
Reflections on creativity, art and science, by a major contemporary architect
Alessandro Pignocchi
Art and Intention
The latest scientific research reveals how we perceive and judge works of art