Alain Dupas
Bibliography (3)

Alain Dupas, Charles Chatelin
Humanity’s Cosmic Destiny
An inspiring, sometimes disconcerting book. A new history of space exploration. A future-oriented look at the evolution of humanity in the light of the evolution of technology, both biological and that regarding space.

Alain Dupas, Jean-Christophe Messina, Cyril de Sousa Cardoso
Innovating Like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Steve Jobs
Large companies are no longer what they once were: rockets, electric cars, technological breakthroughs, dematerialized commerce and services are all on the rise.

Alain Dupas
The New Spatial Conquest
The desire to explore our solar system, with robots and especially with men and women, has become a global one. A new page in the lengthy history of relations between humans and the cosmos is already being written.