Luc Ferry
Bibliography (11)

Nicolas Bouzou, Luc Ferry
Youth Today
Reflections on youth today and on how to improve its future, by two major experts

Luc Ferry, Axel Kahn
Legalize Euthanasia?
Based on a comparison of euthanasia legislation in several countries and an analysis of specific cases revealing the paradoxes of contemporary individualistic values...

Luc Ferry
Facing the Crisis Building Blocks for a Politics of Civilisation
To overcome the crisis we will have to do more than salvage what we can by further expenditures, no matter how necessary or urgent these may seem.

Luc Ferry, Xavier Darcos, Claudie Haigneré
A letter to all those who like school To explain the current reforms
Our education system was and still is today one of the best in the world. However, it is now experiencing new problems, which have been consistently denied as a result of both political point scoring and a lack of courage. Dare we suggest that the true reasons for these indisputable difficulties actually come, for the most part, from the school itself ? What is the solution ? How can teachers be helped to do their best so that their pupils perform better ?" Luc Ferry