Results for the keyword communication
Éric Giuily
A Question of Spin Winning Strategies, Losing Strategies
A leading expert reveals in six crucial points how to communicate convincingly
Stephan Eliez
Being a Parent and Liking Yourself As You Did Before The Strength of Mentalization within the Couple
A clearly-written and practical work, the result of more than twenty years of clinical practice and research on parents, children, and, of course, couples.
Régis Debray
Believe, See, Do Crossings
In this work, Régis Debray gives free rein to his thoughts and tackles the varied subject matter provided by daily events encountered " in the news, out of the blue, or through friendship or surprise, at a moments notice and without great forethought. " The subjects he writes about range from " the Gulf War to a photo exhibit, from Tatis Jour de Fête to copyright registration, from a daydream about water to a meditation on road travel. " Other works by Régis Debray published by Editions Odile Jacob include Que Vive la République!, Tous Azimuts, and Transmettre.
Joël Bockaert
The Communication of living things
A unique theme, communication, which encompasses all the kingdoms of life: a great opportunity to see them in a different light. If living is about communication, how is hyper-communication shaping the human being of tomorrow?
Alain Braconnier
How to Listen and to Be Heard
The right questions to ask ourselves and the qualities to develop in order to be heard. Feeling like we are being heard contributes to our psychological equilibrium, as well as to our self-confidence. This book proposes a method for being heard properly. A reader-friendly book that offers practical advice and recognizes the true value of dialogue in human relations.
Jacques Blamont
Introduction au siècle des menaces
Although the confrontation between rich and poor is universal, it can be heightened by various factors. According to Jacques Blamont, the widening technological gap between the poor and rich nations is one such aggravating factor. The revolution in information technology has been largely responsible, because it has helped to concentrate more and more power and wealth in the hands of the few - particularly in the United States. Blamont lists various potentially threatening situations that are converging to create an explosion such as the world has never seen before. These include: the demographic growth of the very poor, the ageing population in the developed countries, new climatic risks that are endangering the environment, the spread of new epidemics as a result of globalisation, and the limited effects of the military strategies adopted by the most powerful nations. Step by step, the author deconstructs the hellish machine that our children will inherit from us - because we put too much faith in technological progress. Jacques Blamont is a member of the French Academy of Science and a professor at the University of Paris-VI. He is one of the fathers of the French space programme and was formerly the scientific director of the CNES. He is most notably the author of Vénus dévoilée and Le Chiffre et le Songe.
Thierry Breton
The Invisible Dimension The Challenge of Time and Information
The explosion of modern methods of handling information has changed our world. Already space and matter count less then the capacity to control the flux of information. "Intelligence" triumphs, a new source of growth and profit. At a crossroads of science, economy and political and cultural thought, this work is a journey to the heart of the great technological dream of this fin-de-siècle and the society of information that is currently being constructed. Thierry Breton is the author of Softwar, Vatican III and Netwar, works of technological and geopolitical fiction that have been translated in twenty countries.