Results for the keyword dead
Élisa Brune
A Heavy Heart Reflections on Cioran
This moving text on existential suffering is an invitation to read or reread Cioran
André Klarsfeld, Frédéric Revah
The Biology of Death
Why are most living organisms condemned to die a natural death, even if they are in a well-protected and highly favourable environment ? Is death a "useful" biological process or does it not correspond to any natural necessity ?
Marie-Frédérique Bacqué
Coping with Death
Marie-Frédérique Bacqué, a psychologist, is a lecturer at the University of Lille and the vice president of the Society of Thanatology.
Maurice Tubiana
Education and Life
This book is a reflection on the alarming fact that France has the highest level of violent deaths (from suicide, drugs, and road accidents) in all Europe among young people between 18 and 22 years old. Tubiana analyses the pleasure principle which runs through our culture and our values, the Freudian principle that demands the immediate satisfaction of our impulses. This brings him to denounce postmodern individualism which does not make any room for the collective interest. Maurice Tubiana is a world-reknowned oncologist and member of the French Academy of Science and the Academy of Medicine.
Frédéric Worms
Letters on Life and Death
Frédéric Worms is an important figure in contemporary philosophy, and has important institutional and media connections. Thanks to its epistolary form, reminiscent of Enlightenment writers, this book is written in clear language, and is addressed to all of us.