Results for the keyword financial markets
Michel Aglietta, Pepita Ould Ahmed, Jean-François Ponsot
Money: Between Debt and Sovereignty
Currency as political animal
George Akerlof, Robert Shiller
Phishing for Phools The Economics of Manipulation and Deception
Deception lies at the heart of the economy
Jacques Lesourne
Reflecting on the Future
Instead of describing a ready-made methodology, the author, an eminent prospectivist, shows us how to picture the future.
André Lévy-Lang
The Revolution of Finance: Act II
Precise, concrete, this book will enthrall anyone who is interested in economics and finance and in new technologies.
Jean-Pierre Petit
The Stock Exchange Renewal and Rupture
The current stock market crisis followed the period of fastest growth in world markets in history. How can this be explained? And what does it indicate for the future? While the bullish market that preceded the crisis was hyper-inflationist, we are now experiencing a period of deflation, a drop following on the heels of a vertiginous rise. In this respect, Petits interpretation is that of the regulationists: the crisis is one of confidence. He also describes how the crisis has revealed structural weaknesses in various countries. Jean-Pierre Petit is head of economic research for the investment company Exane.
Jean-Paul Betbèze
The Ten Commandments of Finance
Contemporary finance is driven by a quest for a high rate of profitability. According to Jean-Paul Betbèze, this quest is ruled by ten commandments, ranging from "Thou shalt always seek a 15% return on Equity" to "Thou shalt not allow the whole system to explode". He examines how this has upset the old form of capitalism, and in his lively, clear style, the author recounts the unprecedented changes that are now taking place and that will determine our future. Jean-Paul Betbèze teaches at the University of Paris Panthéon-Assas.
Georges Ugeux
Wall Street Attacks Democracy How Financial Markets Increase Inequality
Concrete solutions are proposed: the taxing of financial transactions, the creation of an independent agency to supervise central banks, discontinuing the remuneration of those who direct share prices.