Results for the keyword Free French Forces
Dominique Mongin
Dissuasion and Simulation From the End of French Nuclear Testing to the Simulation Programme
the evolution of the place of nuclear defense since the end of the Cold War that is retraced here, as well as the role that dissuasion continues to play in the twenty-first century, in a world that is far from stable.
Claudine Monteil
Ève Curie Pierre and Marie Curie's another daughter
The daughter of Pierre and Marie Curie, Ève Curie was a writer, journalist, concert pianist and wartime activist
Céline Jurgensen, Dominique Mongin
Resistance and Dissuasion The French Nuclear Industry from Its Origins to the Present
The origins of France’s policy of dissuasion: a history that is still widely unknown and little studied. A study of French strategy and defense. The question of nuclear energy and defense is central in current debates.
Jean-François Muracciole , Lucie Muracciole
The True Novel of the Free French People Another way of reading and understanding history
A gallery of portraits of the men who decided to join the Resistance and follow de Gaulle, who at the time was completely unknown. Fictional history and Great History come together to weave a surprising tale of the Resistance.
Henri Danon-Boileau
War Diaries of an Obstinate Man
An exemplary life: the itinerary of an exceptional man, from medical school to the Free French Forces
Results : 1 to 5 from 5 books