Results for the keyword Joliot-Curie
Dominique Mongin
Dissuasion and Simulation From the End of French Nuclear Testing to the Simulation Programme
the evolution of the place of nuclear defense since the end of the Cold War that is retraced here, as well as the role that dissuasion continues to play in the twenty-first century, in a world that is far from stable.
Claudine Monteil
Ève Curie Pierre and Marie Curie's another daughter
The daughter of Pierre and Marie Curie, Ève Curie was a writer, journalist, concert pianist and wartime activist
Michel Pinault
Frédéric Joliot-Curie
This is the first biography of Frédéric Joliot-Curie, the founder of French nuclear research and winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1935. For many, he represents the political commitment of French intellectuals in the struggle against Fascism in the twentieth century. His life illustrates the transition from traditional science, limited to the world of academia, to Big Science, with major national and international repercussions. Michel Pinault holds an agrégation and a doctorate in history from the University of Paris I.
Céline Jurgensen, Dominique Mongin
Resistance and Dissuasion The French Nuclear Industry from Its Origins to the Present
The origins of France’s policy of dissuasion: a history that is still widely unknown and little studied. A study of French strategy and defense. The question of nuclear energy and defense is central in current debates.
Results : 1 to 4 from 4 books