Results for the keyword money
Jean-François Gayraud
The Art of Financial War
Finance is waging a war of encroachment against populations and states
Hervé de Carmoy
The Bank of the 21st Century USA, Great Britain, Japan, France
This past decade has seen a profound modification of the banking environment due to technological mutations and a globalization of economy. What is the future of one of the oldest trades in the world, the money trade? What will tomorrow's bank look like?Hervé de Carmoy gives a thorough account of the recent banking evolutions in the United States, in London, in Japan, as well as in countries in full expansion, such as China. He takes stock of the setting up of bank industry in France. He questions the impact of drug money on financial circulation and diagnoses the emergence of a new banking model, the "Dividend-Bank", centered around transparence, rigour, profit and the obsession with clients. Former administrator-in-chief of the Midland Bank in London, Hervé de Carmoy is currently chairman of the BIMP. He is the author of "Banking Strategy".
Jacques de Fouchier
Banking and Life
The story of the creation of the Compagnie Bancaire and the recent history of Paribas as told by one of the great French financiers and a primary player in his field, Jacques de Fouchier. A valuable testimony that illustrates his confidence in men and in life. Banker Jacques de Fouchier is currently the Honorary President of both the Compagnie Bancaire and Paribas. He is also the author of The Taste of the Improbable (1984).
Noël Pons
Corruption of Elites
An expert in the current fight against political and financial fraud gives his viewpoint and shows that not all dysfunctions in the system can be blamed on individual or temporary excesses.
Laurent Berrebi
Currency and Capital The New Patrimonial Economy
A very ambitious book: it proposes nothing short of a new theoretical economic model, going beyond both classic economics and the Keynesian model.
Jacques deLarosière
Ending the Financial Illusion In Defense of Real Growth
The belief that creating money is the same thing as creating resources is the worst possible illusion, as demonstrated in this lucid, succinct and incisive essay.