Results for the keyword nutrition
Jean-Marie Bourre
Food for Thought And Pleasure
"Why do we eat? For our intelligence capacity, aswell as the harmonious functioning of the body. Yes, for the brain you must eat eggs, charcuterie, red meat, as oily fish as possible, accompanied by fruit and vegetables, and complemented by wine and beer. Yes, you must derive pleasure from eating. And no, you don't need to become a herbivore, which would only serve to hinder the development and operation of your brain!" Jean-Marie Bourre
Jill-Patrice Cassuto
From Mad Cow Disease to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Jill-Patrice Cassuto examines the precursors of BSE and reviews some of the early research into the disease. He also studies the human form of BSE, or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a fatal neurodegenerative disorder, and addresses the highly controversial question of ways the disease may be transmitted. This book is not only a scientific overview of current knowledge about BSE. It is also a thorough inquiry into the BSE scare and an examination of the issue of responsibility and of how health issues and risks are dealt with within the European Community. Jill-Patrice Cassuto teaches medicine and heads a clinical hematology service in a university hospital.
Jean-Marie Bourre
The Good Fats
Are fats the demons of modern times? Are they the bane of too rich diets? Are they the poison of opulent societies? Without fats, which are an absolute necessity for our brain and our health, life would be impossible. Fats are also the vectors of culture, through the many joys of cooking.