Results for the keyword social networks
Yves Michaud, Valérie Julien Grésin
Digital Mutation, and the Human Responsibility of Leaders
This book responds to a need being expressed increasingly within corporations to find the tools for reflection and discernment.
David Lepoutre
Don’t Wonder Why Anymore, Wonder How A Guide for Simplifying Your Life
An original approach, far from the usual questioning that, too often, makes do with mono-causal explanations, which are necessarily over-simplified.
Rébecca Shankland, Christophe André
Never without Others
The transformations and developments of psychology: integrating elements of sociology (understanding the person though his affiliations) and elements of human ecology
Laurent Schmitt
Secret The role of secrecy throughout human life
A reflection on the benefits of secrecy to the psyche that goes against the tide of transparency. Secrecy can be useful or even indispensable to our psychic survival. A contemporary and historical account of the role of secrecy in psychology.
Results : 1 to 4 from 4 books