Results for the keyword Society
Marcel Otte
The Audacity of Sapiens: How Humanity Was Formed
It is time to bring back thought, responsibility, and courage to a consideration of the prodigious human adventure.
Serge Bahuchet
Nature’s Gardeners What kind of nature do we want?
A new view of the ties between man and nature. Covers a wide array of subjects, full of interesting details - a real pleasure to read
Serban Ionescu, Boris Cyrulnik
Resilience: From Cells to Societies The 2nd World Congress on Resilience
How to create resilience, at every level, step by step. A book that places the concept of resilience on a continuum going from cellular to societal level.
Georges Chapouthier
Saving Humans through Animals
An original thesis that connects in a paradoxical, but reasoned way, the development of morality in humans to their animal nature.
Results : 1 to 4 from 4 books