Results for the keyword Stalin

Sabine Melchior-Bonnet
Great Men and Their Mothers Napoleon, Louis XIV, Francis I, Kennedy and others
Another way to write the biography of a number of great men. An unusual historical perspective, intertwining serious research and a talent for writing. A history of representations of the maternal figure and a study of the evolution of the filial bond. A historical standpoint that offers readers a fresh look at the lives of men they thought they knew well, from Louis XIV to Stalin, via Napoleon and Kennedy

Patrick Lemoine
The Psychological Health of Those Who Made the World
The role of the psyche on the destiny of the men and women who made the world.

Boris Cyrulnik, Patrick Lemoine
Stories of Madness before Psychiatry
An original reflection on the future of the treatment of psychiatric illnesses based on its past mistakes.
Results : 1 to 3 from 3 books