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Éric Molinié
Alive !
How a handicap can be turned into a driver to surpass oneself and to engage with the service of others. An illustration of what is ethical in life.
Jean-Pierre Mohen
Rites of the Afterlife
Humans define themselves in the way they relate to death. Funerary rites are the manifestation of this essential relationship to the afterlife
Alexandre Moatti
This much-needed book warns against a type of obscurantism that is spreading alarmingly on the Internet
Alexandre Moatti
The Roots of Transhumanism France 1930-1980
Transhumanism and “augmented man” were already controversial subjects in the Belle Époque… An invaluable history for an understanding of what is truly at play behind this technoscientific fantasy.
Philippe Moati
The Sick Hyperconsumer Society
Hyperconsumption undermines social cohesion and “living together”