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Peter Piot
No Time to Lose A Life in Pursuit of Deadly Viruses
A fascinating account of the fight against viruses, by one of the discoverers of the Ebola virus

Yves Pouliquen
Who Am I? What Do I Know? Little by Little and When All is Said and Done
A literary narrative about a singular existence devoted to science with, in the background, the enthralling history of life on Earth from its first appearance billions of years ago and as it continues in each one of us today.

Jean-Bernard Raimond
The Choice of Gorbachev
Who is Michel Gorbachev really? Is he communism's gravedigger or simply an apparatchik worried about postponing his disappearance from the political scene? Or is he one of history's free and tragic heroes, who found himself transported in spite of himself by the collapse of the world that had made him powerful? Jean Bernard Raimond is the former Minister of Foreign Affairs and served as the Ambassador to France in Moscow.

Maurice Rheims
crise mine
A well-known writer, art collector, academic, and sometime auctioneer reflects on life in our times and on the art of living well. In an age when it has become fashionable to lament a kind of society-wide depression, Rheims examines other periods of crisis and general malaise throughout history, and ends with a resounding affirmation of the power that curiosity, beauty, and art will continue to hold. Maurice Rheims is president of the Fondation de France's cultural development fund, and a member of the Académie française. He is the author of many essays, novels, and books on art.

Iannis Roder
Recovered Children of the Republic Reflections and Practices of Network of Priority Education
A book filled with Iannis Roder’s experiences, including many portraits of students and stories that tell us a lot about the reality of schools in the banlieues.

Aurélien Rousseau
The Wound and the Recovery Crises from Within the State’s Black Box
A book that helps better understand how health crises are managed (in particular Covid and lead pollution after the Notre-Dame fire).

Edwige Rude-Antoine
Lives and Families Immigrants, Laws and Customs
For more than twenty years, immigration concerned only single men seeking employment. Today, whole families migrate creating new legal and cultural problems: people forced to return to their native country, polygamy, excision, arranged marriages. In her book Edwige Rude-Antoine analyzes the State's intervention in citizens' private lives and its significance. She also determines concrete principles that constitute a harmonious, multi-cultural society. Edwige Rude-Antoine has a PhD in law and specializes in immigration.

Edwige Rude-Antoine
Adopting a child from abroad
Today two-thirds of all adoptions concern a child from another country. What is the motivation of the prospective parents ? How have different governments dealt with the rising demand for adoptions ? What legal procedures have they implemented, and what effect have they had ? How does an adoption case actually unfold ? The author goes beyond an examination of the legal and procedural differences that can be found around the world, she explores the emotions of the adopted children themselves. This book will be a useful tool for both childcare professionals and adoptive parents. Edwige Rude-Antoine, a lawyer and sociologist, heads a research team at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.

Dominique Schnapper
As Time Goes By A Chronical of 2001-2002
From a mythical meeting in the year 2000, to From our almost mythical appointment with the year 2000, to the presidential upheavals in 2003, this book presents the first expansive record of our entry into a new century. Through insightfully chronicling the passage of time, with both emotion and analysis, the author is able to present us with a picture of our contemporary world. Dominique Schnapper is a director of studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.