Health and Wellness All books

Pierre Khalifa
How to be Well Treated
"The goal of this book is to answer some of the many questions that are asked about patient-doctor relations and healthcare. How should we go about choosing the doctor in whom we will entrust our health? How can we contribute to make our consultation more effective, in order to help our doctor make a better diagnosis and find the most appropriate solutions? And when should we put an end to the relationship of trust with our doctor?" Pierre Khalifa Pierre Khalifa, a specialist in internal medicine, has worked as a house doctor in Parisian hospitals and was formerly a clinical director at the Hôpital Cochin, in Paris.

Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
How Meditation Changed My Life and Could Also Change Yours!
The book contains a wealth of information on mindfulness meditation, juxtaposing recent findings in the neurosciences with actual experiences.

Bernard Sablonnière
Hopes For a Long and Good Life
A very accessible, clear book with rigorous scientific explanations, enabling the reader to see the differences between false miraculous recipes and true possibilities to act against aging.

Léo Bersani
Homos Reassessing the Identity
What does it mean to be homosexual today ? Is it necessary to form communities and if so, why ? Is the primary aim equality in society such as it is, or the challenging of society itself ? Up to what point do homosexuals distinguish themselves ? Must there be a link between sexual claims and political dispute ? The gay and lesbian communities necessarily ask themselves these questions. On a wider scale, they also encourage a redefinition of the human being in contemporary societies. Already considered a classic in the United States, Homos presents an innovative, critical reflection on identity and the dangers in the withdrawal of a community from society. An expert in French literature, Leo Bersani is a professor at the University of California. He has notably published Baudelaire and Freud, and Theory and Violence.