Plans, Diet All books

Didier Pleux, Camille Cellier
We're both fighting A Diary of Anorexia
How can anorexia be overcome? A young anorexic reveals the diary of her therapy and cure

Jean-Marie Bourre
For an optimum absorption of the nutrients our bodies require we must pay close attention to our biorhythms

Jean-Michel Lecerf
To Each His Weight Diets: The Inside Story
An eminent nutritionist appraises what works and what doesn’t. An indispensable book for anyone who wants to lose weight

Gérard Apfeldorfer, Jean-Philippe Zermati
Lies, Dukan Diet and nonsenses
The truth about diets — and about how they can damage your health

Helena Compper-Grosgogeat
My Detoxifying Method Using Acid-Base Nutrition
ost people embark on a new diet full of good intentions — only to abandon it a few weeks later. What they need is a tool to help them keep up their motivation on a day-to-day basis...