Seniors All books
Bernard Sablonnière
Hopes For a Long and Good Life
A very accessible, clear book with rigorous scientific explanations, enabling the reader to see the differences between false miraculous recipes and true possibilities to act against aging.
Gilbert Lagrue
Ageing Well is Possible: I’ve Done It
Everything you need to know to age well, by a celebrated 91-year-old doctor
Henri Danon-Boileau, Gérard Dedieu-Anglade
A Certain Kind of Stubbornness Living With Very Old Age
A reflection on the profound changes imposed by old age; an analysis of the dead ends it can lead to and what to do to keep on loving life and others.
Christophe De Jaeger
The Muscle, Sport and Longevity
Christophe De Jaeger is a geriatrician and gerontologist...