History and Geopolitics All books
Nathan Weinstock
The Promised Land that Promised Too Much
This vast investigation, based on new sources, will transform the prevailing vision of the Arab-Israeli conflict and of its origins.
Edward N. Luttwak
The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire
A highly enjoyable book for anyone wishing to delve into the complexities of the Byzantine Empire, from Antiquity to the Middle Ages.
Pierre Mélandri, Justin Vaïsse
The Middle Kingdom The United States and the World Since the End of the Cold War
"No one would deny the central role played by the U.S. More than any other nation, it has shaped the world we live in and will continue to do so for several years to come. For this reason, it is essential to judge its actions abroad in a manner that is as free of clichés as it can. Our goal was to present the reader with as complete a picture as possible of U.S. presence in the world, without neglecting any episode or omitting any angle that could be insightful." Pierre Mélandri and Justin Vaïsse Justin Vaïse is a historian. Pierre Mélandri teaches at the University of Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Jacques Blamont
Introduction au siècle des menaces
Although the confrontation between rich and poor is universal, it can be heightened by various factors. According to Jacques Blamont, the widening technological gap between the poor and rich nations is one such aggravating factor. The revolution in information technology has been largely responsible, because it has helped to concentrate more and more power and wealth in the hands of the few - particularly in the United States. Blamont lists various potentially threatening situations that are converging to create an explosion such as the world has never seen before. These include: the demographic growth of the very poor, the ageing population in the developed countries, new climatic risks that are endangering the environment, the spread of new epidemics as a result of globalisation, and the limited effects of the military strategies adopted by the most powerful nations. Step by step, the author deconstructs the hellish machine that our children will inherit from us - because we put too much faith in technological progress. Jacques Blamont is a member of the French Academy of Science and a professor at the University of Paris-VI. He is one of the fathers of the French space programme and was formerly the scientific director of the CNES. He is most notably the author of Vénus dévoilée and Le Chiffre et le Songe.