History and Geopolitics All books
Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, François Heisbourg
Strategic and Military Yearbook 2002
This book provides an up-to-date overview of the major trends and strategic challenges facing the world today. Experts in their field offer concise as well as detailed analyses most notably on the following subjects: - the expansion of U.S. military power compared with the stagnation of European defence - military aspects of operations in Afghanistan - terrorist networks - the proliferation of weapons - defence measures against attacks with biological weapons - security and defence agreements in Asia - the strategic outlook for Europe - financing research; the strategy of European co-operation - overhauling the French armed forces - the French military and the challenge of non-conventional threats These studies are complemented by thorough statistical and analytical data on French defence, on the military budgets of France and other nations, and on international treaties and agreements.
Armand Laferrère
Politics of the Bible
The Bible is not just a spiritual treasure it is also a political manual for our times.
Giulia Sissa
Sex and Sensuality in the Ancient World
This fascinating study of the “art of lovemaking” in Ancient Greece and Rome offers an essential lesson for today
Sylvie Thénault
The Hidden Side of Colonial Algeria Camps, administrative internment, house arrest
An essential new work in the study of French colonial history