History and Geopolitics All books

John Lukacs
Five Days in London: May 1940
The days from 24 to 28 May 1940 significantly altered the course of the history of the past century. When German troops reached the Atlantic coast, the British counterattack resulted in the disaster of Dunkirk. Europe was on its knees. Britain seemed powerless. For several critical days, at 10 Downing Street, the British cabinet debated whether to negotiate or to continue the war against Hitler. And if the war was to be continued, how would it be fought? What hope was left? Lukacs takes us into the crucial unfolding of these five days that changed history. The events described here provide a lesson in courage as much as in politics. John Lukacs is a former professor of history at Chestnut College in Philadelphia.

Rachel Mazuy
Believing Rather Than Seeing ? Travels in Soviet Russia (1919-1939)
The Russian Revolution provided the working-class movement with a concrete model of socialism. For French militants, as well as for many members of the cultural and political elite, the Soviet Union became the goal of a secular pilgrimage (or an anti-pilgrimage). This book tells the story of those travellers. Who went on such trips? How and why? To what extent did the trip influence their political and social development? Rachel Mazuy is a lecturer at the Institut dEtudes Politiques, in Paris, and teaches at the Lycée Honoré Balzac, Paris.