Geopolitics and Strategy All books
Fareed Zakaria
The Future of Freedom
Is it really so that more democracy leads automatically to more freedom ? Why, in the four corners of the world, are we now seeing an increased capacity for religion to mobilise the people ? Why, in Europe as in the United States, do we have minorities and oligarchies reigning in the name of the people ? Why has there been an increase in the number of regimes which are born from the polling booth, yet which exalt fanaticism, repression and war ? A dazzling world tour of the geo-political horizon, and also a lesson in modern and contemporary history, which we lead us to reexamine our own prejudices. Fareed Zakaria is the editor of Newsweek International and was formerly the managing director of the review Foreign Affairs.
Justin Vaïsse
Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy (2008-2012)
In the run-up to the U.S. Presidential elections, an eminent specialist assesses the present administration
Maurice Vaïsse
French Diplomacy Tools and Participants Since 1980
A complete and documented view of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of French diplomatic policy. A diplomatic history of the Fifth Republic, from the 1970s to the present.
Jean Guisnel, Bruno Tertrais
The President and the Bomb
Fed by unimpeachable sources — archives, interviews, personal memoirs — this book is for everyone, as even experts on the subject will find surprises here.
Bruno Tertrais
The Revenge of History
Never has the past been so present. In our supposedly memoryless world, history is constantly being invoked...
Daniel Sibony
The Quran and the Bible In questions and answers
A step-by-step study of the Quran, almost exactly word for word, to grasp the precise content. A polemical book, but a book based upon the author's knowledge of the Arabic language and the sacred texts of Islam. A return to the original text that allows us to understand the political and geopolitical issues of today's world.
Simon Serfaty
A new World in need of America
An eminent expert in international affairs offers a reflection on the disorder of the world and on the illusions of the recent past, in an attempt to discern the choices that must be made during the coming years.