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Robert Darnton
Berlin Journal, 1989-90
Robert Darnton was in Germany at the moment when the boundaries of post-war Europe came toppling down. Suddenly, the university professor discovered that History was in the making, and the masses were in motion. This is his personal account of the combined drama and celebration that accompanies every revolution. A professor at Princeton University in the United States, Robert Darnton is a specialist in the history of European culture. He is the author of L'Aventure de l'Encyclopédie, Le Grand Massacre des chats and Edition et Sédition.

Joseph Rovan
Bismarck, Germany, and a United Europe 1898-1998-2098
1898-1998: the difference between these two dates is vast, and it is likely that the difference between 1989 and 2098 will be even sharper. This gives us even more reason to reflect on the actions of a man who was able to anticipate and incite change. Joseph Rovan has taught German studies at the French universities of Vincennes and Paris-III. He is the author of many books and articles, including France-Allemagne: Le Bond en Avant, with Jacques Delors and Karl Lamers, published by Editions Odile Jacob.

Emmanuel Dubois de Prisque
China and its Demons At the Source of Sino-Totalitarianism
Emmanuel Dubois de Prisque is tackling a taboo by showing how Chinese culture participates in totalitarianism, and by asserting that the CCP identifies as a sacred sovereign.

Michel Cartier
China and the West A Five-Hundred-Year History
The history of Chinese-Western relations — a tale of fascination and fear — recounted by a historian specialising in the Far East

Paul Garde
The End of the Century in the Balkans
Fortunately, the situation is less tragic in 2000 than it was in 1992. There is no more fighting. And yet, none of the problems have been resolved and several conflicts remain pending. In two regions, Bosnia and Kosovo, peace is maintained thanks to a powerful international presence; hundreds of thousands of refugees have no hope of returning to their homes; most of the main criminals of war are still at large; and intolerance and poverty are widespread. It is thus necessary to make a correct diagnosis of the problems of the region, where surprises are always possible. I would be happy if this book could help contribute toward this. Paul Garde Paul Garde is a former professor of Slavic languages and literature at the University of Provence, France.