World Wars All books

Centre International de Recherche de l’Historial de la Grande Guerre
The Great War in Every Direction
Topics on a human scale, which reveal the face of the war as presented to those who fought and those who lived through it.

Jean-François Muracciole , Lucie Muracciole
The True Novel of the Free French People Another way of reading and understanding history
A gallery of portraits of the men who decided to join the Resistance and follow de Gaulle, who at the time was completely unknown. Fictional history and Great History come together to weave a surprising tale of the Resistance.

Sophie Delaporte
Saturday 22 August 1914 A Doctor at War
The bloodiest day in France’s history as it was lived by a doctor in the Great War

Renaud de Rochebrune, Jean-Claude Hazera
Business Leaders During the Occupation
How were Jewish companies altered to become Aryan ones and what was the role of French administration? Who did illegal profits and how?A fascinating document written by two journalists.

Nathalie Zajde
The Hidden Children In France
How did the Jewish children who hid and survived the Holocaust succeed in developing their unique strength and their love of life?

Nicolas Offenstadt
1914-18 Today The Great War in Contemporary France
A complete history of the “memory” of the Great War in the contemporary mind

Nicolas Mariot, Claire Zalc
Faced with persecution The Destruction of the Jews of Lens, 1940-1945
The history of the Holocaust in France, seen from an entirely new angle. This book does not simply describe the numerous possible attitudes: it aims to explain them.

Nicolas Offenstadt
Soldiers Executed during World War I
Why were some soldiers tried and executed by their own national military authorities during World War I?

Jacques Cantier
Algeria Under the Vichy Regime
On 25 June 1940, both the Franco-German and Franco-Italian Armistice came into effect. In Algeria, appeals to carry on the struggle in Frances colonial empire no longer served any purpose. The Vichy regime, which came into existence following the parliamentary vote of 10 July 1940, was thus able to extend its rule over Algeria. Claiming to be at the head of a National Revolution which would create a new Man and fight against the forces of Anti-France, the Vichy government was able to flourish until the Anglo-American landings in North Africa in 1942. The author has given us a thorough review of this little-known period. This is not just a historical parenthesis as the study of the consequences of the National Revolution in Frances colonies casts a new light on the discussion about the nature and actions of the Vichy regime. It also illuminates a frequently concealed stage in the development of colonial society, which had had to confront a growing number of internal difficulties since the 1930s. Jacques Cantier is a lecturer at the University of Toulouse-Le-Mirail.

Colonel Passy
Colonel Passy Memoirs of the Chief of the Secret Services of a Liberated France
These two volumes constitute a new edition of Colonel Passys memoirs, which were first published by Plon in a three-volune limited edition (Deuxième Bureau-Londres; 10 Duke Street-Londres; Missions Secrètes en France). The new edition has been presented and annotated by historian Jean-Louis Crémieux-Brilhac, a specialist in the period. André Dewawrin, alias Colonel Passy, headed the Bureau de Contre-espionnage, de Renseignement et dAction (BCRA) of the Free French in London, from 1940 to 1944. He became General Koenigs chief of staff, in 1944. A former student at the prestigious Ecole Polytechnique, he headed the department of research and study for the French Ministry of Defence after the war.