Human Sciences All books
Philippe Bas
The Paths of the Republic
In a bogged down Europe, the Republic no longer finds the extra power it needs to solve the problems of the French. Yet, against the destructive forces at work, the need for a Republic continues to grow.
Stella Baruk
Si 7 = 0. Quelles mathématiques pour l'école ?
Stella Baruk is known for her uncompromising criticism of the way mathematics is taught at school. She sees children's frequent aversion to the subject as a clear demonstration of the failure of current methods. Following her earlier book, L'Age du Capitaine, in which she denounced the meaningless mathematical problems that children were burdened with and enjoined to solve, she now addresses the difficulties encountered by the new generation of the captain's children. She has reproduced pages from the exercise books of primary school pupils, with a commentary underlining the confusion created by modern maths in the minds of children who are not yet familiar with mathematics. Her message is clear: the fault lies not in modern maths, but in the fact that the cart has been put before the horse. Modern maths was created to generalise operations and structures that recur in every aspect of mathematics, and modern maths cannot be correctly understood without the full mastery of those operations and structures. Yet, the teaching of mathematics has been turned on its head, with the abstract being taught before the concrete and the general before the specific - with the result that empty formalism is all that is being passed on. Baruk's very precise analyses, illustrated with specific examples, will help parents understand their children's mistakes and difficulties, so that they can help them overcome them. Stella Baruk is a mathematics teacher and pedagogical researcher.
Jacques Barillon, Paul Bensussan
A Criminal Desire
Jacques Barillon and Paul Bensussan show, on a European scale, the ravages caused by an overly psychological approach to the law. They resolutely denounce the extremes and excesses of the new moral and sexual order that is now being proposed for the general good. It will mean tolerating that the judicial system, primarily concerned with the victims well-being, will renounce enforcing the Law, with the approval of psychiatrists and psychologists. This is an indispensable and disturbing book that should help to awaken our anaesthetised critical sense. Jacques Barillon is an internationally renowned lawyer specialising in criminal law. Paul Bensussan, a psychiatrist, sexologist and legal expert, specialises in sex crimes.
Michel Bar-Zohar
Shimon Peres The Secret History of Israel
“The story of Peres is that of Israel,” wrote Haaretz about this book.
Sébastien Balibar
A Tormented Scientist
A key, virtually unknown, moment in the history of science.When science emigrates under pressure from totalitarianism.
Philippe deBaleine
Conversations on the Sky
What are the origins of the universe? Besides human beings, are there other conscious living creatures in the universe? If there are, do they resemble humans? Could their appearance be entirely different? If Christian teachings are true, could they also apply to such extraterrestrial creatures? What are Good and Evil? What is Gods role? How did nature take on the forms it has? In a relaxed, conversational tone, Philippe de Baleine addresses some of the major metaphysical, theological and cosmological issues that are being asked today. Philippe de Baleine is a journalist, essayist and novelist.
Élisabeth Badinter
The Wrong Road
Badinters new book is a candid review of 15 years of feminist discussion and polemics. From womens point of view, what real progress has been accomplished in the last 15 years? Do the feminist voices that are most often heard today express the concerns of the majority of women? What image of women and men are these feminist voices trying to promote? What model of sexuality do they wish to impose? Are we witnessing the return of the old male and female stereotypes, at womens expense?