Human Sciences All books
Thierry Lodé
Why Animals Cheat and Make Mistakes
A brilliant contribution to evolutionary biology and to the study of animal behaviour, written in a lively, vivid style
Hervé Glasel
Academic Success for All Cognitive Sciences and Children with Learning Difficulties
How can children with learning difficulties be helped? The neurosciences offer a number of concrete solutions for teachers and parents
Christian Saint-Étienne
The iConomic Revolution France Faces the Third Industrial Revolution
Following the success of France: Etat d’urgence, a new polemical work on the state of the French economy, by Christian Saint-Etienne
The Dalaï-lama
Becoming Enlightened
An excellent introduction to Tibetan Buddhism and to the teachings of the fourteenth Dalai Lama
Claude Hagège
Against Uniform Thinking
An eminent linguist and popular media personality who has mastered more than 50 languages, Claude Hagège is the sole figure with the authority to defend linguistic diversity and to make his voice heard.
Karine Berger, Valérie Rabault
France Strikes Back For a More Competitive France
How can France recover its status as one of the world’s five most competitive nations?
Didier Tabuteau
Health as Political Model
This exemplary X-ray of French healthcare argues for a total overhaul of the system