Economics and Finance All books
Christian Saint-Étienne
Europe’s Wild Card The Real Solution to Exit the Economic Crisis
Christian Saint-Etienne argues that the European project was built on a fallacious concept from the start. The premises were false and Europe has become the world’s “soft underbelly”.
Christian Saint-Étienne
France 3.0 React, Renew, Reinvent
If French recovery is to succeed economic reforms must go hand-in-hand with political reforms
Christian Saint-Étienne
France : emergency A strategy for tomorrow
The Real Solution to Exit the Economic Crisis
Christian Saint-Étienne
Rise Again, France State of emergency
What is to be done to make France succeed again?
Daniel Pinto
The Clash of Capitalisms How we were deprived of our entrepreneurial genius and what we can do to reinvent it
Does capitalism still have a future? This book shows that it does, but only if it retrieves the formula that led to its success: the spirit of enterprise coupled with state support.