Ethology All books
Joël Dehasse
Everything About Dog Psychology
Joël Dehasse’s programme combines in varying proportions the six major types of exercise that dogs need daily: feeding activities, motor activities, vocal activities, chewing activities, game playing, and intellectual activities.
Claude Béata
At the Risk of Loving
A masterly demonstration of the power of love in the animal world and among humans
Thierry Lodé
Why Animals Cheat and Make Mistakes
A brilliant contribution to evolutionary biology and to the study of animal behaviour, written in a lively, vivid style
Alexis Rosenbaum
Dominant and Dominated Animals
A fascinating journey into the heart of the animal kingdom, in the light of the latest findings in ethology
Emmanuelle Pouydebat
Animal Intelligence
A surprising enquiry into the diversity of adaptive behaviour in the animal kingdom: memory, navigation, innovation, sharing and cooperation: who knows how to do what, and what exactly is the uniqueness of human intelligence?
Thierry Lodé
A Natural History of Sexual Pleasure
Written for a general audience, this is a natural history of pleasure which encompasses all the exuberance of sexuality, from the first licentious bubbles to female orgasm.