politics All books

Michel Schneider
Big Mother The Psychopathology of Political Life
Listening, closeness, emergencies, love - politicians today play up to the mother. Leaders dare not lead, the citizens are now so child-like that they simply wait to be told what to do by the State : the Leisure State behaves like those mothers who cannot stand to think that their children can play by themselves, and insist on keeping them busy. Where are the fathers ? Is this the end of the paternal reference and the symbolic order of things ? A psychoanalyst, Michel Schneider was formerly a director of music and dance at the Ministry of Culture.

Dominique Schnapper
Of Democracy in France
From providential democracy to extreme democracy, the concepts forged by D. Schnapper have now passed into contemporary language. A great voice for democracy (D. Schnapper, the daughter of Raymond Aron, is former member of the Conseil constitutionnel).

Michel Savy
New Spaces, New Movements Future Mobility
An innovative approach to such essential issues as work, housing and information

Uri Savir
The Process 1,100 Days that changed the Middle East
In The 1100 Days, Savir offers the reader a front-row view of the complex negotiations and the clash of interests between the opposing delegations. The author, who played a major role in the negotiations - along with Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres - recounts the saga of one of the most significant political events of the late twentieth century. Numerous questions are still to be answered: How can the process of negotiation begun in Oslo be completed? What hopes are there for a peaceful solution? Uri Savir was secretary general of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1993 to 1996. He now heads the Peres Institute for Peace.

François Saint-Pierre
The Law against the demons of politics
If in the future even a government resulting from regular elections decided to implement an unworthy policy, contrary to the fundamental rights of people, could the justice system oppose it and defend the essential, the rule of law?

Dominique Rousseau
The Fifth French Republic Is Dying! Long Live Democracy!
The First French Republic was consular, the Second was presidential, the Third and Fourth were parliamentary, but the Fifth seems to have no distinguishing qualities.

Dominique Rousseau
Six Theses in Favor of Continuous Democracy
The question of a change in constitution has often been raised: it is entirely relevant in the electoral campaigns of 2022...

Michel Rocard
Putting One's Heart into One's Work
In this intellectual and political autobiography, former French Prime Minister Michel Rocard explains the ethical requirements which underlied his every political action. This book provides an uncompromising analysis of French society and politics by examining the economic, cultural and social questions which France poses itself today.

Jean-Pierre Rioux
Jaurès’ Children
Magnificent political portraits and a history lesson about the French left.

Philippe Ratte
Valéry Giscard d’Estaing The Other Great President
An original biography that convincingly and in a remarkably well-informed way develops arguments that support its position.