politics All books

Renaud Lassus
The Renaissance of America foreword to Pascal Lamy
An essential contribution for an understanding of what is at stake in the 2020 presidential election.

André Grimaldi, Frédéric Pierru
Your Health in the Future
How can we maintain the quality of care in hospitals? Is our health system equipped to respond to the challenges of the aging of the population and of chronic illnesses?

Philippe Bas
The Paths of the Republic
In a bogged down Europe, the Republic no longer finds the extra power it needs to solve the problems of the French. Yet, against the destructive forces at work, the need for a Republic continues to grow.

Alain Bauer, Marie-Christine Dupuis-Danon
The Protectors An Inside History of the French Gendarmerie
Following Les Guetteurs [the Lookouts], the first history of French Intelligence as told by its heads, here is Les Protecteurs, the inside history of the National Gendarmerie.

Emmanuel Terray
The Trial of the Revolution
In the first part, the author begins by letting the prosecution talk about the French Revolution. In the second part, Emmanuel Terray asks: where are we today, after two other revolutions, in Russia and in China?

Stéphane Gompertz
A Diplomat Drinks and Eats for His Country
Stéphane Gompertz’s book is neither an autobiography, nor a university course. Based on the author’s experience, it is the defense and portrait of an often caricatured profession.

Philippe Kourilsky
Science and Democracy
An analysis of democracy to understand the current crisis in our political system

Governing is an Ambition For Which One Must Have Talent
What is power? This wonderfully written book, powerfully argued, enhanced with contemporary examples, attempts to respond to that crucial question.