Medicine All books

Bernard Sablonnière
The Mysteries of the Human Body
Do your organs interest you? In this new book, Professor Sablonnière offers a guided tour of them, a new Fantastic Voyage that plunges us into the mysteries of the body and its arcana.

Henri Rozenbaum
How to have a Happy Menopause
The low-down on everything we know about the symptoms of the menopause today, from prevention to treatment. Constituting a small scale medical encyclopaedia, this book answers your questions and allows you to identify the most suitable treatment for your own particular case. For a better quality of life, better health, and a happy menopause. Gynaecologist, and president and founder of the French Association for Menopausal Studies, Dr Henri Rozenbaum is one of the most renowned international experts in the area of the menopause.

Jean Rosa
From one Medicine to Another From a Craft Industry to High Techology
Jean Rosa belongs to the post-war generation that transformed French medicine from a state of powerless humanism all the more "humane" because it was so often helpless to one of scientific and technical efficiency. Unfortunately, in the process, medicine seems to have lost its human face. In this book, Rosa shows how he contributed to this medical revolution: on the one hand, through the "Debré Reform", which instituted teaching hospitals, thus firmly linking medical research with therapeutic and surgical treatment, and, on the other hand, by associating medicine with molecular biology. Jean Rosa is Emeritus Professor in the medical school of the University of Paris-XII and a member of the French Academy of Science

Bernard Roques
The Danger of Drugs
This book is the result of a study on drugs carried out by Bernard Roques at the request of the French Secretary of State for Health, Bernard Kouchner. The author has reviewed and summarised a large body of information from all over the world, so this is a thorough, detailed scientific examination of what is known today of the potential dangers, particularly for the brain, of toxic and psychotropic drugs including alcohol and tobacco which are often associated with the consumption of other drugs. Roques study will doubtless play a major role in public health discussions and decisions, particularly in the fight against alcoholism and nicotine addiction. Bernard Roques is a member of the French Académie des Sciences.

Jocelyne Rolland
What To Do After Breast Cancer?
Concrete answers and adapted exercises, guided by a physiotherapist specialized in working with women who have had breast cancer.

Jacques Rogé
Nietzsche's Syndrome
Nietzsche was a manic-depressive. This is the conclusion that one doctor, Professor Jacques Rogé has come to after reading the works of the great philosopher, in particular his autobiographical texts. In light of this diagnosis, he explains why the author of Joyful Wisdom continuously oscillated between periods of creative exultation and periods of melancholic depression. In particular, he draws out the essential role that this illness played in the explosion of Nietzsches genius.