Medicine All books
David Khayat
The Paths of Hope
The progress made in cancer research and the advances in therapeutics have become such that they open before us, without any doubt, marvellous paths towards hope. It is these paths that I suggest we discover together. David Khayat David Khayat is a professor at the Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University and the head of the cancer team at the La Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital.
David Khayat, Cécile Khayat , Nathalie Hutter-Lardeau
Anti-Cancer Cooking
A healthy, tasty and convivial style of cooking that is easy to prepare and fits with the tastes and constraints of modern living. Information on familiar and some less familiar foods with recognized anti-cancer properties.
David Khayat
Of Blood and Tears
An eminent physician recounts his deepest feelings as he faces death and pain, as well as his own suffering, in the course of treating his patients.
David Khayat
To Prevent Cancer It Is Also Up To You!
Everything you need to know to adopt anti-cancer behaviour in your daily life
Anne de Kervasdoué
Women and Hormonal Treatments
A subject that concerns many women as they approach menopause.
Anne de Kervasdoué
New Questions from Women Responses to 1001 questions that women ask about their health and their well-being, at every age in life
All the experience and knowledge of a gynecologist who has been listening to women for 40 years.
Jean Juras, Alain Bourcier
The Perineum Dialogues Lifting the veil on perineal disorders
A subject that can be hard to discuss, and a light-hearted yet well-documented way of addressing a taboo. Aimed at both women and men. Perineal issues after giving birth, after cancer treatments, in old age, after treatment for prostate cancer, etc..