Medicine All books

Bernard Sablonnière
The Mysteries of the Human Body
Do your organs interest you? In this new book, Professor Sablonnière offers a guided tour of them, a new Fantastic Voyage that plunges us into the mysteries of the body and its arcana.

André Grimaldi
My Battle for Health Putting an End to 20 Years of Neglect
For a complete understanding of our health system and the succession of reforms “for increased productivity” of hospitals that have harmed it, without responding to the true new challenges happening now and to come.

Jean-Philippe Derenne
All that we know about the plasticity of this virus, which is constantly mutating and changing, which makes it completely unpredictable. Even in countries where the crisis was believed to be over (China, Iceland, Slovakia, etc.), new cases are emerging.

Michel Craplet
Alcohol, the Foremost Addiction Overcoming a Chronic Illness
Alcoholism remains a major subject in public health, much more toxic than drug addiction

Alim Louis Benabid
The Brain, Degenerative Diseases, and the Discovery of Deep Brain Stimulation The History of a Discovery
An extraordinary journey into the world of neurosurgery and a fascinating presentation of the mysteries of a scientific and medical discovery and its consequences.

Anne de Kervasdoué
New Questions from Women Responses to 1001 questions that women ask about their health and their well-being, at every age in life
All the experience and knowledge of a gynecologist who has been listening to women for 40 years.

Jean Becchio, Bruno Suarez
What is New in Hypnosis From Hypnosis to Consciousness Activation
A subject that arouses very broad interest, approached here without the usual esoteric or spiritualist connotations, backed by the most recent advances in the neurosciences, and with very illuminating clinical cases.

Patrick Zylberman
The Vaccine War
An essential book for reflecting on the relationships between: the state and public health policies; scientists and experts; anti-vaccine movements (their ideological roots and sometimes conspiracy theories) and public opinion.