New releases
Fatma Bouvet de la Maisonneuve
An Arab from France A life beyond prejudice
A testimony on the question of prejudice about "The Other" and of living together. A sensitive and committed reflection, seen from the inside, on the questions of double culture. A text that sheds light on mutual misunderstandings.
Perla Kaliman, Miguel Aguilar
Feed Your Brain Neuroscience, food and gourmet recipes
A cook and a scientist work together to help our brain give its best. Preventative health for our brain through diet. An original cookbook that brings together neuroscience, ingredients and recipes.
Claude Hagège
Religions, the Word and Peace
A unique and original contribution, both erudite and mordant, from a specialist, on the question of the ties between violence and religions, which is such a crucial one in today’s world.
David Spector
History of the Market Concept in France
An original point of view which runs counter to received ideas: the concept of the market is in a blind spot of leftist thinking, or even that of the French intellectual tradition. This book should be part of the debate as it provides historical insight on a crucial point of current disunity within the left and on its future.
Pierre-Marie Lledo
The Brain In The 21st Century
Beyond neurobiology, an analysis of the impact of these discoveries not only on the sciences of education, psychology, medicine, but also on theology, marketing, economics ... An essential ethical reflection on the use we must make of this knowledge so as not to distort the foundations of our humanity and also our freedom.
Roger-Pol Droit
The Spirit of Childhood
Roger-Pol Droit applies practical philosophy, in which the reader learns to find hidden resources in himself, in which he is guided towards the path of a better-being, a better self-understanding.