New releases
David Khayat, Cécile Khayat , Nathalie Hutter-Lardeau
Anti-Cancer Cooking
A healthy, tasty and convivial style of cooking that is easy to prepare and fits with the tastes and constraints of modern living. Information on familiar and some less familiar foods with recognized anti-cancer properties.
Agnès Desarthe, René Urtreger
King René
The life and destiny of an artist of genius. The talent of Agnes Desarthe brings a whole era back to life
Jean-Louis Dessalles, Cédric Gaucherel, Pierre-Henri Gouyon
The Thread of Life The Immaterial Side of Existence
A true revolution in the understanding of life, the thesis put forward here is based on the scientific concept of information, the operation of detection and reading carried out by every living being.
Boris Cyrulnik
Wild Paradises, Heroic Joy
A breath of fresh air from a talented writer who brings a courageous and exacting vision to these troubled times.
Jean-François Gayraud
The Art of Financial War
Finance is waging a war of encroachment against populations and states
Michel Aglietta, Pepita Ould Ahmed, Jean-François Ponsot
Money: Between Debt and Sovereignty
Currency as political animal
Results : 1 to 7 from 7 books