New releases
Michel Delage, Boris Cyrulnik
Family and Resilience
This book delves further into the notion of resilience, examining it in the light of the family group.
Laurence Podselver
Hasidism: The Jews of France in the Face of Fundamentalism
Based on years of study, this unusual anthropological study, helps us understand the individual itineraries that explain why so many Jews...
Luc Ferry, Axel Kahn
Legalize Euthanasia?
Based on a comparison of euthanasia legislation in several countries and an analysis of specific cases revealing the paradoxes of contemporary individualistic values...
Albert Goldbeter
Oscillating Life At the Heart of Life Rhythms
This book offers the first synthesis of existing knowledge on the rhythms of life, as observed at different levels of biological organisation.
Anne de Kervasdoué
Women and Hormonal Treatments
A subject that concerns many women as they approach menopause.
Antoine Garapon
Neoliberal Justice
An indispensable tool of critical thought to reach an independent opinion.
Laurent Schmitt
The Paradoxes of Free Time
Does more leisure time mean more time or more constraints?