New releases
Lionel Naccache
On Being a Subject in Oneself The Talmudic Experience of Spirituality
What does it mean to be oneself? What does it mean to believe? An exploration of the neuroscience and philosophy of subjectivity
Anka Muhlstein
Proust’s Library
This fascinating portrait of Proust as a reader offers an illuminating view of his work
François Saint-Pierre
In the Name of the French People Trial by Jury or by Professional Judges?
Who should judge serious crimes?
Pierrette Fleutiaux
Loli, the Time Has Come
Loli, le temps venu covers a relatively unexplored area in human relations, uncovering some singular emotions that shake up our usual vision of life. This is a chronicle of passion.
Yves Coppens
The Present of the Past to the Third Power Prehistoric News
Yves Coppens reveals the latest archaeological findings and recreates prehistoric life with amazing precision
Élisa Brune
Private Confidences Female Sexual Desire and Male Bodies
Elisa Brune continues her enquiry into female sexuality with a wide-ranging anthology of erotic short stories