New releases

Olivier Houdé
Paul Valéry, In Love with his Brain Curious about everything, especially himself
The work of Valéry seen through the prism of neuroscience today… Fascinating.

Patrick Lemoine
The Mental Health of Geniuses Geniuses of good, geniuses of evil: what’s the difference?
For each famous figure, a well-documented profile that challenges our view of them, a clinical diagnosis and, as a bonus, a final percentage of good or evil…

Florence Lautrédou
The Woman Who Couldn’t Remember her Dreams
A lively tale of great psychological finesse, featuring characters who are stuck in life and learn to link their night-time dreams to their life dreams.

Barbara Demeneix
How Fossil Fuels Are Destroying our Health, the Climate and Biodiversity
Based on the most recent scientific studies, this book shows the interdependence between the climate, biodiversity and our health. It will give food for thought to environmentalists

Alain Connes, Patrick Gautier-Lafaye
In the Shadow of Grothendieck and Lacan An overview of the unconscious
An original insight into the links between the work of a psychoanalyst fascinated by mathematics and a mathematical genius fascinated by the mind.

Stéphanie Hahusseau
Let Your Emotions Flow Without Guilt or Anxiety
33 crucial themes or key words – the acceptance of anger, attachment, self-confidence, humour, emotional phobia, feelings, loneliness, etc. to understand how emotions influence our health.

Irène Grenet
The New World of Advertising
A book for the general public on a universal theme, by an informative and precise specialist.

Jean Guilaine
Women of the Past Images, myths and realities of the Neolithic woman
A book by one of the most renowned specialists of the protohistoric period, to help understand women’s place in the first sedentary societies of the Neolithic period.