Psychology All books

Raymond Cahn
The End of the Couch ?
Why do psychoanalysts refuse to review their methods, while simultaneously recognising that life-styles have evolved and that new pathologies have come into existence? Why, for example, do they remain devoted to the psychoanalysts couch, while realising that certain cures are at a dead-end? This is a controversial work on the challenges facing psychoanalysis a field that had its hour of glory in the 1960s but has since been somewhat discredited. Raymond Cahn is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst.

Monique Bydlowski
Motherhood, the Cradle of Humanity
Gathered together in one book, all the great themes that have been central to Monique Bydlowski’s work for more than fifty years, from life debt to the psychic openness so characteristic of pregnancy.

Etty Buzyn
When the Child Frees Up of Our Past
All families unconsciously transmit their history. A new baby is both the bearer and divulger of that history...