Psychology All books

Arielle Adda
Gifted Adults and the Quest for Love Making Good Romantic Choices
The theme of love is not often addressed in writings on gifted people, yet it is a domain in which it is particularly useful to have clear self-awareness in order to make good romantic choices.

Arielle Adda, Hélène Catroux
The Gifted Child Reconciling Intelligence
Exceptionally gifted, gifted and intellectually precocious children make up as much as 5 % of any given age group. Yet they often seek failure, both at school and in their personal lives, because they suffer from being different from other children. This book is addressed to the parents and teachers of gifted children. Besides reviewing the current state of knowledge on the subject, it explains how such children can be taught to manage their potential and to overcome their excessive sensitivity and weaknesses. Arielle Adda is a psychologist. Hélène Catroux is an educational psychologist.

Jean Abitbol
Woman’s Voice
A comprehensive book on the female voice by one of the best specialists, who works with people whose voice is their primary tool: teachers, singers, men and women politicians.