Psychology All books
Daniel Widlöcher
How to Become a Psychoanalyst And Not Give Up
A master of psychoanalysis recounts how his career and his thinking made him who he is
Daniel Widlöcher, Antoine Périer, Nicolas Georgieff
Around Daniel Widlöcher: Psychoanalytical Conversations with Antoine Périer and Nicolas Georgieff
These conversations with Daniel Widlöcher are of particular importance: he is one of the last great figures in French psychoanalysis of the post-war generation.
Gabriel Wahl
Hyperactive Adults
A recognition of hyperactivity at adult age. All the facts to understand hyperactivity. Information on testing and stages of diagnosis. Approaches and treatments: psychotherapy and drug treatments explained and evaluated.
Mael Virat
When Teachers Like Students The Psychology of Education-based Relationships
With supporting documentation, a book that fights a tenacious taboo that is completely out-of-sync with recent advances in psychology!
Lucy Vincent
How Do you Feel? 15 sensational exercises to reprogram your brain
The way we move and our intellectual, cognitive and emotional development are closely linked. It’s time to get back to the body.