Psychology All books

Boris Cyrulnik, Gérard Jorland
Resilience The Basics
This book shows how, by modifying educational and therapeutic practices, these various disciplines can combine to enable us to face traumatic pain.

Boris Cyrulnik, Marie Anaut
Resilience from Research to Practice
The latest findings on the factors that enable us to ‘come back to life’ after suffering trauma

Serban Ionescu, Boris Cyrulnik
Resilience: From Cells to Societies The 2nd World Congress on Resilience
How to create resilience, at every level, step by step. A book that places the concept of resilience on a continuum going from cellular to societal level.

Boris Cyrulnik, José Lenzini
Chérif Mécheri, a Muslim Prefect Under Vichy
Starting with an original biographical portrait of Chérif Mécheri (1902-1990), the first Muslim prefect of the Republic, a Vichy official attempting to undermine its activities, a keen reflection on those who resisted.