Psychology All books

Alain Ehrenberg
Tired of Yourself Depression and Society
Examining the changes that have occurred since the 19th century in both psychiatry and society at large, this book shows how the internal collapse that is depression is the ultimate symbol of our culture of powerlessness. The depressed person cannot rise above the demands imposed on him or that he imposes on himself. He has no recourse but fatigue, inhibition, and indecision. But what does it mean to learn to be oneself? Is our society merely creating huge numbers of hypochondriacs? Can we any longer draw a line between the small unhappinesses and frustrations of daily life, and pathological suffering? Alain Ehrenberg is a sociologist.

Michel Delage
The Time to Exist
Characteristics of temporal experience, the way in which it intervenes in the construction of identity, the modifications it undergoes in the course of a life, when one goes from childhood to adolescence, then to an adult age and old age.

Jerome Kagan
Three Seductive Ideas
Do the first two years of a childs life really determine his or her future development? Are human beings, like other primates, solely motivated by the pursuit of pleasure? What can be concluded today about the notion of temperament? Is it stable and unchanging throughout life? This book is the culmination of a lifetime of research. Jerome Kagan, one of the founders of modern development psychology, is known the world over for the precision and originality of his work, as well as for his overall examination of the methods and meaning of psychology. Jerome Kagan teaches at Harvard University. He is the author of several works on psychology that are regarded as classics.

Aldo Naouri
Three Questions On The Family
Aldo Naouri’s complete reference work! The fruit of all his experience related to the fragile and essential parent-child relationship