Psychology All books

François Lelord
The Tales of an Ordinary Psychiatrist
Visiting a psychiatrist is still a frightening prospect. Taboos surround psychological illnesses and psychiatry is viewed with suspicion. Using true cases as examples, F. Lelord presents the expressions and mechanisms of various psychological problems: stress, agoraphobia, depression, bulimia, anorexia, schizophrenia, autism... With each case we dive further into the psyche, and emerge with an honest assessment of the pluses and minuses of psychiatric treatment.

Jeanne-Marie Bréchot, Brigitte Joseph-Jeanneney, Martine Ruszniewski
Surrounding Illness The Family, the Doctor and the Psychologist
Should the same information be given to the sick person, and their family ? How can one get through the trauma day by day ? Should the entire truth be told? Should one prepare for mourning? How to say goodbye ? This book is a spontaneous and moving three-way discussion to help those faced with serious illness. Brigitte Joseph-Jeanneney is a general inspector of social affairs. Jeanne-Marie Bréchot is a thoracic cancer and lung specialist at the Hôtel-Dieu hospital, in Paris. Martine Rusniewsky is a psychologist working with patients in the palliative care ward at Hôpital de la Salpetrière, in Paris.

Fabrice Jollant
The Suicide Understanding and Helping Those at Risk
Understanding the causes of fragility, in order to identify vulnerability to suicidal behaivours

Alice Massat
The Success of Frauds and Fakes
Familiar scams carried out by known fraudsters are on the rise: a sign of the times?

Mireille Gayraud-Andel , Marie-Pierre Poulat
Stuttering and How to Overcome It
This informative guide shows how to overcome stuttering and recover self-esteem.