Psychology All books

Michel Delage, Antoine Lejeune
Memory Without Recall
The identification of the various facets of a composite memory, with its neuro-cerebral bases and the complex relationships it maintains with our conscious memory. By two clinicians, one neurologist and the other psychiatrist, the presentation of therapeutic applications of this memory in the field of trauma, neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's, body-oriented psychotherapy techniques and even family therapies.

Michèle Temam
Memorizing without Memorization
A practical guide intended for students, combining a method, its direct application, and a scientific explanation for that method.

Catherine Jousselme, Jean-Luc Douillard
Meet Adolescents
A resolutely humane and optimistic approach to adolescence that stresses resilience rather than disorders

Steven Laureys
Meditation and Brain
A study of the brain of one of the greatest meditators by one of the most brilliant neurologists today.

Alain Ehrenberg
The Mechanics of Passions: The New Contemporary Individualism
The book’s very stimulating thesis: the twenty-first century will be the century of the brain and the neurosciences, which are already playing the role that psychoanalysis played in the twentieth century.

Alain Braconnier, Daniel Marcelli
The Many Facets of Adolescence
Adolescents seem to be governed by paradoxes: they are simultaneously dependant and autonomous, individualistic yet fascinated by groups, peremptory but prone to doubts.

Alain Braconnier, Daniel Marcelli
The Many Facets of Adolescence
How can parents avoid abusing their position of authority, without becoming too chummy? When should adolescent expressions of anxiety and depression warrant serious concern? What is a "problem adolescent"? What should be done in response to the dangers of drugs and of AIDS? First published by Editions Universitaires in 1988, The Many Facets of Adolescence has rapidly became a classic. It has been completely revised for the present edition, in particular the epidemiological data and the sections concerning adolescent depression and the relations between adolescents and their family. Alain Braconnier is a psychiatrist and director of the Centre Alfred Binet in Paris; he also teaches at the University of Paris-V. Daniel Marcelli is a psychiatrist specialising in childhood and adolescence.

François Ansermet
The Manufacture of Children
What are the limits of assisted reproductive technology (ART), a crucial issue for our children and the future?