Psychology All books

Thomas Langlois
I Hear Voices – So What? Living With One’s Voices and Auditory Hallucinations
Hearing voices is a phenomenon that is much more common that one might imagine. According to studies, 10 – 39% of the population hear voices.

Polo Tonka
I Am the Crazy One
In the vein of his earlier work, the author, a true writer, speaks with great clarity about his mental state, and shares the excesses of it with humor and irony.

Marie-France Le Heuzey
The Hyperactive Child
What causes hyperactivity? Who to blame: society, parents, genetics? How should Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder(AD/HD) be treated? Is AD/HD a genetic or a family problem? Should children suffering from AD/HD be medicated? With its numerous case studies, pertinent advice and accessible scientific explanations, this book is bound to become the basic reference work on AD/HD for the general reader. Marie-France Le Heuzey is a medical psychiatrist.

Gabriel Wahl
Hyperactive Adults
A recognition of hyperactivity at adult age. All the facts to understand hyperactivity. Information on testing and stages of diagnosis. Approaches and treatments: psychotherapy and drug treatments explained and evaluated.

Marie-France Le Heuzey
The Hyperactive Adolescent
A book to help parents understand hyperactive adolescents and adopt the right approach

Dominique Barbier
Hyper-narcissism and ordinary psychosis
A comprehensive overview of the different facets of narcissism.

Marie Anaut
Humour and Resilience
• How does humour function? What part does it play in our relational dynamics and in the development of defence mechanisms when we are faced with harmful or destructive experiences?

Olivier Houdé
Human Intelligence is Not an Algorithm
An original theory that proposes a new model of intelligence centered on intuition, logic, but also inhibition, indispensable for correcting our cognitive biases.

Jacques Lecomte
Human Goodness
Contrary to the prevalent view, the author argues that human beings are good by nature— and recent studies support his thesis.

Bruno Humbeeck
How We Choose Romantic Partners
The unconscious foundations of how we choose whom we fall in love with